A Battle Station for Haashaastaak

I see my first actions as Captain of the Battle Destroyer Bonecrusher at one of our Battle Stations on the border with the Romulans. Our force is depleted, but nevertheless we will do our best - of course; our local base commander has engaged the services of several Orion mercenaries to try to even the odds. The relative deployments work well for our squadron as we make short work of several smaller Romulan vessels, from the looks of them a Seahawk Frigate and a couple of older Snipes. The damage across their fleet drives the Romulans off for the moment, but at heavy cost to us; our flagship, an Early Dreadnought model, is destroyed by the Romulan main force, a Superhawk carrier group. The most significant enemy loss is a KR Mauler cruiser crippled. However, they will return. And they do. The attrition is really not in our favor, and we do the best we can, but the enemy is still too strong for us in this part of space. Our little flotilla performs well enough, crippling a Se...