First order from Shapeways

Above is the link to the Shapeways store for SFB. I have just ordered an unfeasibly large number of Kzinti fighters, because I'm going to need them. My plan is to turn the campaign into a miniatures game, using the rather lovely designs now available in abundance. I will use the 3788 Scale line of ships, with omni-scale fighters and shuttles. Here is the site's photo of the little Kzinti fighters:

According to Amarillo Design Bureau's website, Shapeways 3788 are compatible with the old Starline metal miniatures. So that'll make life easier if I ever acquire any of those. The thing is, though, I am going to be moving to Abu Dhabi in August, and the reason for starting this monster campaign is to keep my gaming mojo while I'm over there. I also need to revitalise my painting after a really heavy year in my previous job - there are some very good reasons for me leaving that. Anyway, plastics like these are easily portable, and it would be good to get some painting done while I'm over there. I'll probably make another few orders before I go, so that I have a reasonable amount either painted or ready to be painted when I arrive. I want these games to fun and spectacular - and counters just don't do the job.

Yes, I am a megalomaniac. But who could ever call themselves a real gamer if they don't do something mad? It looks as though the Lyrans will be mounting a Starbase assault, and doing that with figures really does appeal.


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