Spring Y169, fight at Battle Station No.2

 These are the deployments for the second battle of Spring Y169, a Lyran assault on a Kzinti Battle Station. 

The Kzinti deploy in two zones. This is the first, well off to the left of the position of their Battle Station. Here they have concentrated a CVE Escort Carrier with accompanying Escort Frigate, followed by the CL Mystic and a Scout Frigate. I decided to put the two latter ships together to try to increase the Scout's chances of survival. My Kzin hero Meerclaw is the no.6 pilot in the CVE's fighter wing.

The Battle Station is glinting in the sunlight at the top centre of the photo above, with two pairs of admin shuttles deployed. Immediately behind is the station's fighter squadron. Behind and to the left is a CV Strike Carrier Group, and to the right is a squadron of three Battlecruisers. There is nothing further to the right of this lot - that's all the Kzinti have here.

The right wing of the attacking Lyran force is comprised of two Heavy Cruisers and a Battle Tug with accompanying Scout Destroyer. 

The Lyran centre, more or less lined up against the main Kzinti force, has a Command Cruiser; a Fast Battlecruiser (counter marked NCA); and a squadron of three Light Cruisers. 

In open space with no nearby Kzinti is the remainder of the Lyran fleet: a War Cruiser Squadron and two more Heavy Cruisers. 

This is my attempt a whole table shot. You can't make out the counters, but at least you should be able to see the relative force positions. All photos will be taken from behind the Kzinti lines.


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