
 The Klingons' initial offensive has ground to a halt with, it is fair to say, mixed results. Losses are as follows:

Klingon vessels crippled: a C8 Dreadnought; a D7C Command Cruiser; four D7 Battlecruisers; two D6M Mauler Cruisers; a D6D Drone Cruiser; a D5C War Command Cruiser; three D5 War Cruisers; an F5C Frigate Leader; four F5 Frigates; and two E4 Escorts.

Kzinti vessels crippled: two Destroyers; an Escort Light Cruiser; a Heavy Frigate; an FFK Frigate Leader two Escort Frigates; and three Police Corvettes.

Klingons destroyed: a C8 Dreadnought; an F5J Penal Frigate; two F5C Frigate Leaders; four F5 Frigates; and an E4 Escort.

Kzinti destroyed: two Destroyers; a Frigate; and two Escort Frigates.

All in all, apart from the C8 Dreadnought, neither side actually lost any ships of importance destroyed, everything in fact being on the light side. The main disparity comes in the number of Klingons crippled, almost swamping Klingon logistics and support facilities, as can be seen in this snapshot: 

By way of contrast, the Kzinti cripples are all on the lighter side. It would therefore seem that the Klingons have paid a massive price for their assault.

However, that is not quite the whole story. The Klingons only succeeded in three of the six objectives they set themselves, but then four of those objectives were well-defended Kzinti Battle Stations. The attackers actually hoped to destroy two of them, and in fact one fell quite easily, while the Klingons had to retreat from the other in addition to the two they never really expected to take. The main successes are the capture of an important Kzinti planet (Zelkrath) and a planet in the neutral zone (Zursk). These will give the Klingons the major advanced staging points they need for subsequent phases of the war as they press further into Kzinti territory.

The other important thing to note here is that the actual loss of destroyed Klingon ships is relatively light, apart from that C8. Everything else can be repaired and brought back into the fight. It will cost, but this early in the war the Klingon economy is riding high, and it is always better to repair damaged vessels than have to build anew from scratch.


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