Last Act in the Klingon Spring Offensive

 As expected, the final Klingon attack of their initial offensive of the war comes to a halt. Their last attack group is really only intended to pin Kzinti forces. Given the pattern of the battles that have taken place so far, this is not surprising. The Klingons tend to exchange ships (preferably light ones) for Kzinti fighters over several engagements before finally taking their objective, but this strategy requires the Klingons to have local superiority, something they do not have in their attack on Kzinti Battle Station Seven. The attackers make a single pass, exchanging an F5 and an E4 crippled, along with another E4 destroyed, plus severe damage to their Mauler Cruiser, for a bunch of Kzinti fighters. The Klingons then retire across the border, honour apparently satisfied.


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