Hydrans and Klingons

 This is the first battle between the old enemies in what is going to become the General War. For no reason whatsoever, though, Blogger is refusing to include images at the moment, so there's no Battle Mat this time.

The Hydran force is extremely powerful, while the Klingons have more ships overall. In the event, though, something I haven't seen yet occurs: the defending fleet breaks on morale, allowing the attackers (the Hydrans) to destroy the station. This is because an attacking Hydran fleet is very strong; it is also because I rolled the lowest possible score on Klingon morale. Serious ship losses aren't much across the two fleets, but the attrition works in favour of the Hydrans. They only have a Knight Destroyer crippled and the usual slew of destroyed fighters, while the Klingons lose an E4 Carrier Escort destroyed, plus an F5 Frigate and an F5 Scout crippled; several other of their light ships are heavily damaged and forced to disengage, while the Hydran fighters casually wipe out the entire fighter squadron from the Klingon Battle Station. The combination is enough to force a Klingon withdrawal. 

Moral of the story: from now on, use an approach battle to try to damage the Hydrans before you allow them anywhere near an installation!


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