The Coalition Turn Ends

 This is the strategic map as the Coalition turns grinds to a halt:

My fast-play rules for the tabletop battles are coming along nicely, although they did get a bit samey with so many fights with roughy similar fleets. So I have spiced it up a bit, using cards to randomise fire and movement. Not only does this better approximate the Impulse system of SFB at the macro-scale, it also mixes things up a bit more for me, which helps keep it fresh. Both of the Alliance powers are feverishly building up their defences. The Kzinti will probably do little except try to recover and get ready for the next wave, while the Hydrans will hit some enemy Battle Stations. If they can take out some of those, it will make the logistical support for the full Coalition offensive on this front a bit more difficult. The Hydrans need to take as much advantage of the situation as they can before more of the Coalition's might comes in their direction. 


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