The Second Lumien Campaign

 The second major campaign for Autumn 170 gets under way, with the Klingons massing to assault Lumien once more:

This one goes well for the Kzinti. They manage to strip the F5 Light Carrier of its Escorts and then blow it with a drone wave, the second time this tactic has been used. In total, they wipe out the Klingon fighters; destroy the F5V and a D5C War Cruiser Leader; cripple the Orion and a D5; and inflict heavy damage on a D7 Battlecruiser. In return, the Klingons destroy fifteen fighters and force a Destroyer to retire with heavy damage - so not a lot. They do, though, get a lucky hit on the Flag Bridge of the Kzinti Dreadnought, wounding old Admiral Mr'iarr and putting him out of the campaign. His replacement has a bit more energy:

The Kzinti have an extra ship in the line this time, but overall there is little change for both sides as they regroup for round two ...

... and so it goes. This time the Klingons wipe large numbers of fighters - 37 in total. They also manage to concentrate on the flotilla that contains the Escort Cruiser. It is heavily damaged along with one of the Light Cruisers; the other Light Cruiser is destroyed. In return, the Kzinti destroy all eighteen Klingon fighters and inflict heavy damage on the E4E Carrier Escort, a D7 Battlecruiser, and the D7C Command Cruiser. The F5E Escort Frigate is crippled.

Third Battle:

For the Kzinti it is so far, so okay. They are mostly managing to trade fighters for ships, with the occasional piece of nastiness happening to their own vessels. The Battle Mat has changed a bit, though:

For the first time in the war, the big cats are able to field a full Medium Cruiser Squadron. There is an epic confrontation off towards the Kzinti right flank as the main ships of both fleets clash. The Kzinti have a CVS Group with two Medium Escort Cruisers, their command element (Dreadnought, Battlecruiser and Drone Cruiser), and their cruiser squadron (two Battlecruisers and a Command Cruiser). The Klingons have a D5 Squadron; a D7 Wing led by a D7C; and their command group (C8 Dreadnought; D6M Mauler Cruiser; D7 Battlecruiser; and D6D Drone Cruiser). This lot gets right up close and personal, and the fighting is splendid, as the Klingons would say. They lose a D7 destroyed, with their D5C and D6M crippled; the Kzinti lose an escort cruiser destroyed, with a Battlecruiser and the Drone Cruiser both crippled.

Almost as an afterthought, the lighter Kzinti ships destroy the two E4E carrier escorts as they protect the D6CV carrier from everything else in the Kzinti fleet, especially a rather large drone wave. All eighteen Klingon fighters present are destroyed, as are twenty-two Kzinti fighters.

Fourth Battle:

This one is very similar in force composition to the previous fight. The Klingons just replace like for like from their reserves, while the Kzinti substitute an Escort Light Cruiser for the destroyed medium variant, and a standard Scout Frigate in place of the Drone Cruiser.

At this point I moved continents, and getting used to the Blogger commands in another language took some time. I got there in the end, though. In the fourth (and fifth!) battles, the Klingons lost an E4E Carrier Escort, and F5 Frigate and a D7 Battlecruiser all crippled. The Kzinti lost a Light Cruiser; Medium Escort Cruiser; two Escort Light Cruisers; a Destroyer; a Police Corvette; and a Police Flagship all crippled. And the planet fell.


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