It's going to get nasty

The Coalition machine moves on the Kzinti capital, while the Klingons amass a very large attack force against the Hydrans: On the southern front, or Rimward if you like, the Klingons threaten the Hydran Starbase with so many ships that the little guys can't afford to react out and leave the installation undefended. This finally results in the loss of the last two of their border Battle Stations. The reason the Klingons don't attack immediately is lack of command ships. The Lyrans don't have the same problem, though, as the Enemy's Blood, Foremost and Far Stars clans all assault the Hydran Starbase on that front. In the north, the Coalition moves on the Kzinti capital with purpose: It was a really good idea to build all those extra defences. You might be able to make out four separate extra fighter squadrons on the Kzinti side; these are from the major planet right next to the capital hex. Rather than try to defend that as well, they sent the fighters to help the home ...