Astyanax watches in astonishment

The Klingons are clearly massing for a major offensive on our front, so once again we make a lightning thrust to disrupt their logistics. I take part in the only engagement that is needed, as we easily vaporise their last remaining border Battle Station, if you don't count the ones supposedly controlled by the Vudar. The Klingons are still hampered by their lack of a Dreadnought-class command ship, but they are learning how to deal with our Stingers as best they can. However, by concentrating their fire on the littlest guys, they present an opportunity for our Heavy Cruisers simply to drive up and blow the station away. Even we are astonished. The Klingons leave hastily.

In the aftermath, we realise that not a single ship was actually damaged on either side. This means that my seventh fleet combat is a bit of a no-show. Not that I'm complaining...


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