Julia at the Bezwell Index

 The 2nd Fleet is ordered to contest the planet known as the Bezwell Index again, with the intention of hurting the Klingon Southern Fleet. It will be even better if we can eject them. The Darius is one of a flotilla of three destroyers, and I take part in two engagements, one at the approaches to the plant and one in the space near it. The Klingons seem strangely unwilling to contest too heavily, and all we lose is a Heavy Cruiser crippled on the way in, and one of our other Destroyers crippled by a D5 War Cruiser in orbit around the planet itself. The Klingons leave quickly. It would seem that they are happy simply to skirmish with us on this front while their Romulan allies make inroads on our anti-spinward border. I have now fought in four engagements as First Officer of the Darius.


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