Meerclaw and the Gunboats - Part Two

 Our part of the fleet warps into position, with the Lyran Battle Station just off to starboard front. My Helm Officer is pleased with his efforts and justifiably so; the Medium Cruiser squadron is at our port and our two (New) Heavy Cruisers are screening us. As commander in our part of the battle, I have already set up a conference screen with the Captains of these ships. This turns out to be a useful initial precaution because it saves valuable time when we see what we are up against - and it isn't pretty. Our fighters are launched as per standard operating protocol.

A quick viewscan shows that the enemy has committed large numbers of fighters in our vicinity. Off to our port they have a pair of War Cruiser class carriers, fronted by a Scout-class War Cruiser; this alone gives them two dozen fighters and a lot of phaser power, although they lack the longer ranged disruptor suite. Inside them is their main fleet command element: a Dreadnought, a Battlecruiser and one of their New Heavy Cruisers. Then comes their only Heavy Cruiser-class carrier, protected by two War Cruiser Escorts. Finally, there is the Battle Station itself, with its own fighter complement. Not only are they packing four full fighter squadrons into our area, but they are using the Cruiser Scout and the station itself to generate huge amounts of electronic interference. 

None of this is normal Lyran practice. They must have committed every last fighter they have in their entire fleet on our front, which is risky because if we take them out they will have none left for later possible encounters.  We, on the other hand, still have plenty in reserve. 

I ask out loud, "What are they protecting?" That pre-existing commlink proves its utility when the Science Officer on one of our Heavy Cruisers makes a quick reply: "We are picking up readings of previously unknown smaller craft near the enemy station, sir. It is not possible to get anything clearer due to the electronic interference." 

I make a quite series of tactical calculations on my seatpad. "Whatever those things are, the enemy will not want us to get a closer look, so that is what we are going to do. New orders, gentlemen," I say to the other Captains. "I think you will agree that the tactical situation calls for extraordinary measures." They all nod in assent; they have probably already realized, as have I, that the Lyrans fully intend that none of our vessels shall escape.

I turn to the Captains of the two Heavy Cruisers. We have not been properly introduced due to their recent arrival from the Duchy's forces, but they are all professionals, albeit perhaps not as seasoned as myself. "Your lab suites are somewhat more sophisticated than those on the Tempest." They grunt in agreement; although my ship is built for long range duties, labs had to be sacrificed in favor of the fighter complement. "Our three ships will slip to starboard as we close with the enemy. Our fighters will run interference; together with your shields this will provide enough protection for the Tempest. Please place all labs and sensors on full rating and send the data to us."

My own Science Officer, C'Taia, nods in agreement. He knows that we will not be able to send a data packet to fleet command given all that noise, but a short-range boost from all our ships will help concentrate the information at his post. I continue, "I expect the enemy to unleash the full force of their station in addition to whatever else is lurking there. We need to be ready to take advantage of that opportunity to make a full scan; we will then continue to sideslip to starboard before disengaging by warp with the data." I do not need to say more; we all know that heavy weapons fire temporarily negates an electronic warfare blanket. "I will take full responsibility for these actions when I report to Count R'Rorash".

Our situation is too immediately dangerous to open a channel to the admiral; there simply is no time to ask permission for this course of action, even if we could get though the interference. The other Captains nod in agreement. We all know this is a long shot at best and that our chances of survival are minimal. We also know that this attack has turned into an essential intelligence mission.

The Captain of the Medium Command Cruiser exclaims:"Honor!" and his two compatriots reply in the same vein. This is Kzinti battle language for a deliberate sacrifice in the face of overwhelming odds; they are prepared to go down fighting to buy the rest of us some time. Their three vessels streak out to engage the enemy, surprising them with their aggression by entering close overload range and taking out the fighters from their main carrier. The Tempest and the two Heavy Cruisers move towards the station, slipping to starboard as we go. I have calculated there is a slim chance we may be able to avoid the enemy's main fighter strike force, positioned as they are well off to port. But we still have to worry about their command element and their Battle Station - not to mention those elusive shapes flitting around the place.

Our three ships fire main phasers and disruptors at the station's fighter squadron, cutting them almost in half. The enemy's initial return easily wipes out the contingent from the Tempest. I order all of our ships to pump drones at the enemy station; they comply, wondering why, but I am too busy to enlighten them. They must know there is no way our missiles will get through the enemy defences.

The Lyran command contingent closes to point blank range together with their carrier group and wipes out all three of our Medium Cruisers; the enemy carrier and its escorts have to use ESGs to complete the job, although their command ships still retain them. Our three remaining ships close to overload range and finish off the rest of the station's fighters. The Lyrans realise that we are probably not going to come any closer, so the station opens up with its heavy phaser complement and disruptors, supported by the suddenly visible little ships. The combination mangles the front shields of our heavy Cruisers and inflicts substantial internal damage, but we have been able to scan the new Lyran ships at full strength. I catch a glimpse; they look to be about half the size of one our Police Corvettes and there are six of them, operating as a combined flotilla. Without worrying about them too much, I reckon that together they are putting out more offensive power than a Lyran Dreadnought. I can always review the sensor date later - if we survive, that is.

I give the order to our remaining ships to initiate phase two of our plan. We slip more to starboard to keep as far away from the rest of the enemy carriers and fighters as we can; they have been busy punching out fighter drones and a huge wave is building. I do, though, think we can initiate the jump to warp before that lot can arrive. 

Our two Heavy Cruiser Captains both shout "Honor!" and peel off to protect the Tempest as we line up for warp acceleration. The last I see of them before we escape is the enemy command hitting them with everything they have bar ESGs; one of our ships is destroyed and the other drops off the screens, crippled. 


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