Starbase Assault Phase One

 I take my place with the Rabblekiller as one of two D5 Leaders assigned to accompany the B10 Battleship Invincible in our attempt to reduce an Advanced Technology Federation Starbase. The approach battle was simple enough, but this fixed position will be difficult to tackle. I am not sure that we have the logistical superiority needed for such a task; against an "ordinary" Starbase, perhaps, but this one is a good 50% more powerful than that.

A useful comparison view; from Deviantart

Our first engagement goes well. The Flathead admiral is clearly one of their pre-war bureaucrats and we inflict a great deal more damage on their vessels than they manage to do to ours. We are in it for the long haul though, and our Admiral Ogir gives the signal for withdrawal as our fleet reaches the point where a viable assault on the base itself is no longer possible. 

The second fight goes even better, although again we have to retire before engaging the base. Ogir's stated intention is to clear away the defending ships to give us the best chance of damaging or even destroying the installation. On this occasion we even manage to cripple the enemy flagship, a Heavy Dreadnought; their admiral is killed in the fighting.

This does mean, though, that a new commander takes over and this is the battle-hardened Admiral Luther, one of a new breed of Federation professionals who has come up through the ranks during the course of the General War. Federation resolve stiffens as a result and their fleet deployments improve immeasurably - at last, an opponent worthy of the name. We are of course familiar with his battle honors.

The Invincible is targeted by a concerted enemy effort: their Command element plus a cruiser squadron, supported by medium range fire from the Starbase. The Rabblekiller whirls in a dance of destruction, losing all three main shields but receiving little in the way of structural damage. Ogir orders me to warp out because there is no point in sacrificing a perfectly good ship. I give the order just in time as the enemy cruisers destroy our companion vessel, leaving the Invincible alone. In return we have crippled a Command Cruiser and destroyed two Frigates, but the enemy has tactical superiority. The Invincible is badly damaged and then crippled by a salvo of overloaded photons from an Advanced Technology Cruiser. We retire to reform again for another try. Rear-Admiral Edosh will take over, leading from the Flag Bridge of the C10 Heavy Dreadnought Victory. He sends a hearty message of congratulation to his counterpart for the performance of his crews in crippling our Battleship.


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