The Coalition Offensive Continues

The Lyrans and Klingons regroup, repair and reorganise, then go in again: It looks nice and clean right now, but this is sure to get messy. There is an enormous Lyran assault force attacking the Kzinti Count's Starbase, while the Klingons hit three Battle Stations and an important planet further into Kzinti territory. I have no idea how long these will take to play through...! I would love to have painted fleets to play these as ongoing battles, remaining set up for as long as they take, but I just don't have the resources. So I am going to start with the series of Lyran attacks on the Count's Starbase. The eagle-eyed will notice that another pirate vessel has appeared, a Battle Raider situated perfectly to disrupt the Lyran logistics network just behind their front line. The Orions are becoming active.