Spring Y169: Major Klingon Victory

Kzinti Battle Station No.6 has been destroyed. Force compositions: A powerful Klingon force descends on yet another Kzinti border Battle Station. The attackers have no fighters, but the Kzinti are scraping the bottom of the barrel, and have had to call up Police ships to pad out the numbers. This means that the defence will mostly be down to fighters and the few reasonably sized vessels with disruptor capability. To make matters worse, Kzinti morale is very low in this one, while the Klingons are riding high - word of the fall of Zelkrat must have filtered through to this region further to the east (or anti-spinward, if you prefer). I won't describe it in detail, but suffice it to say that the Klingons spend most of their time wiping the fighters, while the Police ships bravely try to distract the enemy War Cruisers, but it is not to be. The Klingons lose a D7 crippled by a combination of attacks, including medium-range fire from the Battle Station, while the D5s cripple all...