Rubik at Lumien
We have massed everything we have that is still intact on the Kzinti Front, and head straight for the planet of Lumien, which our forces just failed to take on a previous occasion. This time, though, we are confident in our numbers. Since the Axe Guard is the best escort vessel in the fleet, I am assigned to defend the D6 CV Carrier on the line, along with a much smaller E4E Carrier Escort. Our group does quite well, managing to force an enemy Destroyer to disengage with heavy damage. However, our fleet takes quite a pounding, and after destroying our lightest vessels, the Kzinti Strike Carrier Group turns towards us. I've seen what those things can do, and this one is accompanied by a couple of Medium Escort Cruisers. That's a lot of Phaser-1s. Fortunately for us, though, Admiral Ulorf gives the command to retire. I have survived my first battle as commander of my own vessel. The second battle is equally as tough, especially for the Axe Guard . Our carrier commander h...